Dear colleagues,
I would like to invite you to apply for the potential use of POLAR 5 and/or POLAR 6.
In order to indicate your interest in using one of AWI's aircraft during the period between October 2025 to September 2026, please send in a proposal in digital version to the contact address aircraftcoordawide NO LATER than November 30, 2023.
Please use the format as outlined in the attached word document:
For your information, AWI owned certified instruments are listed on pages 7 and 8 of the attached document. Not all existing certified instruments are freely available, respectively are complicated to operate. Therefore, are some contacts provided on the instrument list. Since most instruments require some kind of calibration - in laboratories or in flight - we added a column indicating this. The PI of the accepted project will be in charge to check that the calibrations are up to date and to support actively our engineers and contacts for instruments to keep them up to date.
In case you have your own instruments, you would like to use, please list them on the last page. If they are already certified for use with POLAR 5/6, please add the campaign on which they were deployed.
The costs stated in the project proposal form is just for information and subject to change. Since costs of surveys vary considerably on the area of investigation and amount of certification, the costs for each proposal will be estimated separately.
The decision on the costs to be covered by the respective principle investigator will be made by the AWI directorate based on the details stated in the proposal. German Universities don't have to cover flight costs and fuel.
For campaigns without AWI researchers on site an insurance of the scientific instruments on board of the aircraft is mandatory. Details will be sorted out individually.
For shared projects the intended scientific sharing of the acquired data between the participants must be pointed out in the proposal.
Please feel free, to distribute this announcement to whomever you may find appropriate.
We plan to release the next call in Autumn 2024 for the next period October 2026 to September 2027. Therefore, we kindly ask to refrain submitting proposals for period beyond September 2026.
I am looking forward to your response(s). If anything is not clear to you, please don't hesitate to ask.
Best regards,
Daniel Steinhage
Dr. Daniel Steinhage
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung
Coordination of airborne surveys
mail: P.O.Box 12 01 61 office : Am Alten Hafen 26
27515 Bremerhaven 27568 Bremerhaven
Germany Germany
phone: +49-471-4831 1198
fax: +49-471-4831 1149
e-mail: daniel.steinhageawide