Important information about the revided guide for applications to the DFG

Please distinguish between the terms "applicant" and "other persons involved in the application".

Applicants are researchers who apply for/are allocated funds and thus receive their own DFG prohect number.


Other persons involved in the application:

Here you have the opportunity to select the roles of co-responsible and cooperation partners in the Elan portal.

Important! Before entering co-responsible persons and cooperation partners / cooperation partners in the Elan portal, please keep in mind that the names of the scientists will be made publicly available in the case of a grant in the project database GEPRIS ( Please consider whether the contribution made by the scientists is so significant and whether this is desired, also taking into account the following aspects.

The co-responsible persons are scientists (usually from Germany) who assume significant project responsibility in addition to the applicants (joint project management). It is assumed that these persons are eligible to apply to the DFG, that their doctorate has been completed and that they themselves do not apply for or are to be financed by the submitted project.

Cooperation partners: Scientists at universities and research institutions abroad who are significantly involved in the project.


New: → Please take note of points 6.4 and 6.5 of the new Application Guide, in particular the reference to cooperation/cooperation commitments to be included if necessary, and the indication to select (if necessary) the most relevant complementary feature in the Elan portal - General International Research Cooperation - in most cases.
