PANGAEA Database
Archiving of results in PANGAEA – Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science
Research grants by the German Research Foundation are provided with public funds. The results of DFG-funded projects will therefore be made available to the public in Open Access after the studies have been completed. In the data repository PANGAEA, data can be protected for a moratorium period of up to three years with a password; after completion of the project, the restriction must be lifted. In the project phase 2008-2012 of the SPP "Antarctic Research", the archiving and publication of the results was bindingly determined.
The Alfred Wegener Institute operates the information system PANGAEA as a publication system and data library for georeferenced measurement and observation data of Earth system research. The data can be found through the PANGAEA catalogue search, but can also be distributed via web services via library catalogues, portals and search engines. All data records are citable in the bibliographical sense and permanently identified (linked) via a DOI (Digital Object Identifier).
Data can be transferred to PANGAEA as Excel spreadsheets with their metadata, there are no fixed format requirements. Metadata includes information on sample/station/core number, position [Lat/Lon], date/time, measurement campaign, research methodology, authors and the parameters with their units.
The data of the Antarctic Research Priority Programme are forwarded to PANGAEA for archiving via Angelika Graiff and Julia Ehrlich (, or they will be forwarded to PANGAEA independently via the submission mask. After publication the author receives a link with DOI for control. The data supplements for all publications should be made available via PANGAEA.