Below you will find publications by grant holders in connection with their research in the priority programme "Antarctic Research". These are sorted by subject area. Please follow the respective link below. The publications will be updated successively.
In order to improve the visibility of the DFG Priority Programme 1158 "Antarctic Research" and to make clear how the research work and research results were funded, the following rules apply to grant holders:
(1) From 2012, the DFG-SPP 1158 "Antarctic Research" funding must be uniformly referred to in the acknowledgements in the following way: "This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) in the framework of the priority programme 1158 "Antarctic Research with Comparative Investigations in Arctic Ice Areas" by a grant ... (grant number)."
(2) Presentations and posters at national and international conferences of projects funded by the SPP should include the SPP logo (download see "Logo, Flyer, etc." link) and the reference to funding by the DFG-SPP 1158 "Antarctic Research".
(3) For report posters during the annual coordination workshop, the following applies: the SPP logo must be displayed next to the heading, and the grant number must be indicated.