bachelor's thesis


Gomes C. 2023. Preparation of High Molecular Weight DNA from Arctic Cyanobacterial samples for subsequent Long-Read sequencing. University of Konstanz.

Palmer A. 2023. Charakterisierung der Uhrneurone in Euphausia superba. University of Würzburg.

Rügner A. 2023. Untersuchung der Korrelation des Eisengehalts und der Chlorophyllkonzentration bei Phytoplankton in der Antarktis - eine Meta-Analyse. University of Rostock.

Wollny L. 2023. Anatomische Charakterisierung der Pigment-Dispersing Hormone enthaltenden Neurone in Euphausia superba. University of Würzburg.


Breuer I. 2022. Microbial sulfur cycling in Antarctic surface sediments of Potter Cove. University of Bremen.

Kamischke N. 2022. Biodiversity of Heterotrophic Protists and Algae in Antarctic Soils. University of Cologne.

Mainz T. 2022. Identifizierung von Markergenen zur Bewertung des Einflusses von Umweltstressoren auf Metatrankriptome aus Polarregionen mit Klebsormidium als Modellsystem.

Piasecki OH. 2022. Biodiversity of Algae and Algivorous Protists from Arctic Soils. University of Cologne.

Rein S. 2022. Biodiversity of Algae and their Consumers from Antarctic Soils. University of Cologne.

Rojas PN. 2022. Diversity of algae and their consumers in Polar soils. University of Cologne.

Tuponja I. 2022. Heterophil: lymphocyte ratios and stress in Antarctic fur Seals. University of Bielefeld.


Degen B. 2021. Influence of sea-ice cover and other environmental parameters on benthic meiofauna communities in the north-west Weddell Sea (Antarctic). Carl-von-Ossietzky University Oldenburg.

Giersberg M. 2021. Lokalisation der Pigment Dispersing Hormon (PDH) produzierenden Neurone im Gehirn von Euphausia superba (antarktischer Krill) mittels in situ Hybridisierung.  . University Würzburg.

Grom L. 2021. Seasonal sea ice melt and growth rates along an ice floe trajectory through the Weddell Sea, Antarctic. University of Bremen.

Lutzer T. 2021. Optimierung des CEST-Effekts schnell austauschender Amin-Protonen und Trennung von konkurrierenden Effekten. University Bremen.

Nikolaus V. 2021. Evolution of snow height along an ice floe trajectory through the Weddell Sea, Antarctic. University of Hamburg.


Bohn M. 2020. Incorporation of isotopically marked food by Antarctic benthic copepods and nematodes: results of a pulse-chase experiment. Carl von Ossietky University Oldenburg.

Gebbe R. 2020. Pectin utilization mechanisms under permanent low-temperature conditions in the Southern Ocean. Universität GreifswaldLaubmann, B. (2020): Strukturanalyse von Kaiserpinguinhuddles. FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg.

Henning P. 2020. Erkennung von Kaiserpinguinen in hochaufgelösten Panoramabildern. FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg.

Krüger K. 2020. New species description of the isopod genus Notopais Hodgson, 1910 (Munnopsidae, Ilyarachninae) from the Southern Ocean. University Frankfurt.

Kurbel VB. 2020. Analyse der Käteadaptation und Bildung von Kryoprotektiva bei der Makroalge Ulva (Chlorophyta) mittels Massenspektrometrie. Friedrich Schiller University Jena.

Otersen C. 2020. Abundance and distribution of sulfate and iron reducers along glacial melt-water influenced coastal Antarctic sediments of Potter Cove. Univeristy of Bremen.


Bauer L. 2019. Testing species limits throughmorphometric and molecularcomparison of clonal cultures in thediatom genus Fragilariopsis. BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg.

Kelch A. 2019. A new species of the isopod family Paramunnidae Vanhöffen, 1914 (Crustacea, Malacostraca) from the southeastern Weddell Sea, Antarctica. University Frankfurt.


Glänzer A. 2018. Starklichtresitzenv von Eisalgen. University Leipzig

Glemser B. 2018. Molecular and morphometric analysis of (semi-)cryptic species in Fragilariopsis kerguelensis. Bsc Biotechnology. Hochschule Bremen.

Henken L-M. 2018. Vergleich unterschiedlicher Methoden zur Erfassung von Wachstumsraten und photosynthetischen Parametern in polaren Diatomeen. Hochschule Emden-Leer.

Hess MF. 2018. Bestimmung von Photosyntheseraten mittels Fluorochromen. University Leipzig.


Becker S. 2017. Räumliche Variabilität der Schneekorngröße in der Antarktis und Vergleich mit Satellitenmessungen. University of Leipzig.

Böttcher L. 2017. Analyse der Rotation von Kaiserpinguin-Huddlen. FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg.

Buchheim B. 2017. Charakterisierung der klastischen Bestandteile in antarktischem Mumiyo. University of Cologne.

Eulen A. 2017. Charakterisierung der anorganischen Zusammensetzungen von antarktischen Mumiyoablagerungen mittels XRF-Scanners. University of Cologne.

Gebbe R. 2017. Funktionelle Analyse von Anhängseln und Membranvesikeln des antarktischen Bakteriums Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis.

Pezenburg C. 2017. Wachstums- und Photosyntheseraten in marinen Eisalgen. University Leipzig.


Feuring A. 2016. Geschlechterverhältnis und morphologische Untersuchungen zum Sexualdimorphismus der antarktischen Amphipodenarten Cheirimedon femoratus (Stebbing, 1888), Hippomedon kergueleni (Miers, 1875) und Waldeckia obesa (Chevreux, 1905) Crustacea, Lysianassidae) aus der Potter Cove (King George Island). Ruhr-University Bochum.

Köhler M. 2016. Anatomy of Tritonia and Doto. LMU Munich.

Macher T-H. 2016. Dietary analyses of Colossendeis megalonyx: Exploring the potential of genetic approaches for gut content identification in Antarctic sea spiders. Ruhr-University Bochum.

Tkotz K. 2016. Environmental effects on emperor penguin group dynamics. University Erlangen-Nürnberg.


Baumann M. 2015. Vergleichende Untersuchung der Gemeinschaftszusammensetzung der Größenklassen benthischer Fauna in den Tiefenschichten mariner Sedimente nahe der Antarktischen Halbinsel. Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel.

Dressler-Allame M. 2015. Morphologie und Taxonomie carnivorer Schwämme (Cladorhizidae) from the ANDEEP I-III expeditions. Goethe-University Frankfurt.

Ehlers E. 2015. Photoautotrophe Algengesellschaften in einem Ackerboden: Bestimmung der Biodiversität als Bezugspunkt für vergleichenden Studien (z.B. Antarctica). University of Göttingen.

SChürmann P. 2015. Genetische Distanz und geographische Verbreitung von Uristes gigas. Ruhr University Bochum.

Swoboda S. 2015. Effects of temperature and hypoxia on embryo respiration, parental care and heart beat rate of the great spider crab Hyas araneus. Philipps University Marburg.


Altvater F. 2014. Analysis of diatom species composition and size distribution in the Southern Ocean. University of Bremen.

Boy D. 2014. Soil carbon stocks and fluxes along soil development gradients in King George Island, Maritime Antarctica. Leibnitz University of Hannover.

Fischer J. 2014. Analyse des Aufbrechen von Kaiserpinguin-Huddles. FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg.

Kubilius R. 2014. 3D-microanatomy of the straight-shelled pteropod Creseis clava (Gastropoda: Heterobranchia: Euthecosomata). . LMU Munich.

Kuhl T. 2014. 3D-reconstruction and microanatomy of the “sea angel” Clione limacina (Phipps, 1774), (Gastropoda, Heterobranchia, Pteropoda, Gymnosomata). LMU Munich.

Laibl C. 2014. The "Disko sea butterfly" 3D-reconstruction and microanatomy of the thecosome Limacina helicina (Phipps 1774). . LMU Munich.

Müller S. 2014. Neue Einblicke in die Schwammfauna um Tristan da Chunha, Vergleich mit Faunen der atlantischen Subantarktis. Wolfgang Goethe University of Frankfurt.

Seifert D. 2014. Ein Vergleich von benthischen Polychaeten in drei Regionen des südlichen Ozeans. University of Kiel.


Pieper S. 2013. Genetische und morphologische Untersuchung der Pantopodenarten Colossendeis robusta HOEK, 1881 und Colossendeis glacialis HODGSON, 1902.

Steinmetz K. 2013. Evolution of cephalopod haemocyanin in a biogeographic context. University of Bremen.


Knoll F. 2012. Überlebensstrategie einer antarktischen Diatomee im Dauerdunkel. University of Rostock.


Beer K. 2011. Einfluss der Temperatur auf Navicula cf. perminuta während und nach einer Dunkelinkubation. Bachelor thesis. University of Rostock.
Gerum R. 2011. Modellierung des Huddling-Verhaltens von Pinguinen mittels Multi-Agenten-Simulation. Bachelor thesis. University of Erlangen.
Mönnich J. 2011. Functional analysis of mitochondrial complexes in Antarctic fish. Bachelor thesis. Hochschule Bremerhaven.
Pfaff S. 2011. Optimierung und Anwendung von Mikrosatellitenprimern für Biodiversitätsstudien an Emiliana huxleyi und Phaeocystis pouchetii aus arktischen Sinkstofffallen. University of Rostock.
Robitzch V. 2011. Same same but different: The distribution of the benthic shrimp Notocrangon antarcticus. University of Regensburg.


Al-Maarri M. 2010. Quantitative and qualitative studies of protists from snow samples of Greenland. university of Cologne

Dömel JS. 2010. Einblicke in glaziale Refugien: Phylogeographische Untersuchungen an der Asselspinne Austropallene cornigera aus dem Südpolarmeer. Ruhr University Bochum.

Eberlein C. 2010. Molekulare und morphologische Anzeichen kryptischer Artkomplexe am Beispiel: Antarctomysis maxima (Holt & Tattersall, 1906). Ruhr University Bochum.

Jullmann S. 2010. Quantitative and qualitative studies on protists in ice cores from Greenland. University of Cologne.

Reusch T. 2010. Vergleich der Mageninhalte zweier antarktischer Salpenarten (Salpa thompsoni und Ihlea racovitzai). University of Bremen.

Ring C. 2010. Evolutionary lineages of Antarctic Cirolanidae and Aegidae (Crustacea: Isopoda) revealed by DNA barcodes. University of Hamburg.

Selse S. 2010. Investigation of arctic aeroplankton regarding the global dispersal of protists via the air. University of Cologne.


Akbayir M. 2009. Quantitative and qualitative investigations of protists in arctic snow and ice cores. University of Cologne.

Fluess K. 2009. Abundance and rRNA-gene-based identification of airborne eukaryotes. University of Cologne.

Schmidt K. 2009. Expression of HSPs in Sea ice. Hochschule Bremerhaven.

Spieker S. 2009. On the search for population structure in the circum-Antarctic shrimp Notocrangon antarcticus. University of Regensburg.

Wilmsen E. 2009. Taxonomie und Diversität der Tiefseepolychaeten des Südozeans und des angrenzenden Atlantiks. University of Bochum.

master's thesis


Juchem DP. 2023. Ecophysiological and Cell Biological Traits of Antarctic Benthic Diatoms surviving the Polar Night.


Böhrer T. 2022. Diel Vertical Migration of E. superba in the field. Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg.

Kröcker N. 2022. Natal site fidelity of male Antarctic fur Seals. University of Bielefeld.

Pathak R. 2022. Numerical simulations of Antarctic sea ice growth in the framework of the extended Theory of Porous Media (eTPM) with focus on hyperelastic material laws. University of Stuttgart.


Behrend B. 2021. Seafloor community structure in sediments of three sites with different sea ice cover and its relation to remineralisation. University of Rostock.

Christaller F. 2021. From baby to beachmaster: genetic analysis of male recruitment success in Antarctic fur seals. Bielefeld University.

Dischereit A. 2021. Investigating the prey spectrum of two co-occurring Themisto amphipods in the Fram Strait (Atlantic-Arctic gateway) using DNA metabarcoding. University of Hamburg.

Kraemer P. 2021. GPS-Tracking of chick-rearing Wilson’s storm-petrels (Oceanites oceanicus) on King-George-Island.

Martinez AC. 2021. Design and evaluation of 18S rDNA amplicon-metagenomic protocols targeting terrestrial microalga. University of Cologne.

Murray A. 2021. Phylogeography and molecular diversity of two highly abundant Themisto amphipod species in the Arctic Ocean based on the mitochondrial COI gene. University of Bremen.

Redlich S. 2021. Analyse von gelösten organischen Substanzen in Fließgewässern und der Chemosphäre von Ulva (Chlorophyta) Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena.

Rendon ACM. 2021. Design and evaluation of 18S rDNA amplicon-metagenomic protocols targeting terrestrial microalgae. University of Cologne.

Smykala M. 2021. Nutrient Dependent Thermal Reaction Norms of   Antarctic Phytoplankton. University Oldenburg.


Costa C. 2020. Hormone-mediated maternal effects and the influence of social density in the Antarctic fur seal.  MSc thesis, Bielefeld University. Bielefeld University.

Gebbe R. 2020. Pectin utilization mechanisms under permanent low-temperature conditions in the Southern Ocean. University Greifswald.

Moeller K. 2020. Optimization of Vitamin B12 Analysis in Seawater using LC-MS/MS 2020. LMU Munich.

Tebbe J. 2020. Insights into temporal variability and reproducibility of scent profiles in Antarctic fur seals. Bielefeld University.

Wunder LC. 2020. Microbial communities in (sub)Antarctic surface sediments. University of Bremen.


Endres F. 2019. Development of an object detection system in one dimension with neuronal networks. FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg.

Fuchs B. 2019. Parentage analysis of southern elephant seals from Cape Shirreff. Bielefeld University.

Litzke V. 2019. Heterozygosity at neutral and immune loci does not influence neonatal mortality due to microbial infection in Antarctic fur seals. Bielefeld University.

Pirrung S. 2019. The cellular energy metabolism of Polar cod (Boreogadus saida) under acute toxicant and thermal exposure. University Rostock.


Burkhardt F. 2018. Application of integrated multispectral image analysis and machine learning in soil micromorphology, . University of Tübingen.

Löffler M. 2018. Ice Nucleating Particles in the Atlantic Boundary Layer and around Antarctica. University Leipzig.

Salazar K. 2018. Population genomic analysis of Fragilariopsis kerguelensis, a Southern Ocean diatom. BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg.

Säring F. 2018. Meiofauna community patterns and environmental drivers: effects of sea-ice cover and food availability in different regions of the Weddell Sea (Antarctic). University of Leipzig.


Brezski A. 2017. The metagenomic analysis of faeces samples from Pygoscelis papua. Justus-Liebig-University Giessen.

J. KS. 2017. Bioinformatic analysis of DNA sequence data from faeces samples of Pygoscelis papua. Justus-Liebig-University Giessen.

Lange S. 2017. Analyzing the biodiversity of biological soil crusts of the Arctic and Antarctic through amplicon sequencing University Cologne.

Pausch F. 2017. Physiological responses of the Antarctic phytoplankton species Chaetoceros debilis and Phaeocyctis antarctica to different concentrations of iron and manganese. Univeristy Bremen.

Prater I. 2017. Biogeochemical Properties of Soils along a Transect from terrestrial to marine sites on James Ross Island, Antarctic Peninsula. TU München.

Schöbinger S. 2017. Hyperiid amphipod feeding ecology in the Southern Ocean: Exploring the potential of molecular methods. University Bremen.

Seifert D. 2017a. Macrofaunal benthic communities and their function in the south eastern Weddell Sea, Antarctic: Effects of sea ice extent. Kiel University.

Seifert M. 2017b. Influence of environmental conditions on the huddling behavior of emperor penguins. FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg.

Winterl A. 2017. Probabilistic Multi-Target Tracking for Biological Systems. FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg.


Debandi J. 2016. Effects of global change and grazing on young marine benthic algae communities in Antarctica (Potter Cove, King George Island). University Lujan, Argentinien.

Messingfeld L. 2016. Combined effects of temperature and irradiance on early recruitment stages of the Arctic brown algae Alaria esculenta and Saccharina latissima from Spitzbergen. Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University Bonn.

Pantke C. 2016. Artenzusammensetzung arktischer Tiefseeschwämme (Porifera) im HAUSGARTEN vor Spitzbergen. University of Marburg.

Peschel J. 2016. Huddling Behavior of Emperor Penguins in Relation to External Conditions. FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg.

Peter C. 2016. Effects of temperture and hypoxia on the relationship between female brooding behavior in the southern king crab Lithodes santolla and the oxygen consumption of their embryo. University Bremen.

Savaglia V. 2016. Effects of interspecific competition and global warming on endemic Antarctic Desmarestia species - studies on field material. University Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris.

Schmidt M. 2016. Messung von Respirations- und Photosyntheseraten mit Hilfe von Fluorochromen. University Leipzig.

Sommer V. 2016. Biogeographical Diversity of Biological Soil Crust Alga in the Polar Regions. University Rostock.


Dürschlag J. 2015. Structure and trophic interactions of the high-Antarctic plankton community in the Filchner Trough. University Bremen.

Hauer C. 2015. Respiration and metabolic activity of Antarctic copepods – The effects of different life-cycle strategies. University Bremen.

Kersken D. 2015. Diversity of the sponge communities in the Bransfield Strait, the Drake Passage and the Weddell Sea, Antarctica. University Rostock.

Moreno AD. 2015. Interspecific competition of sympatric Artic kelps under environmental influence. University Gent.

Pfaff S. 2015. Desiccation tolerance and temperature dependent growth of Klebsormidium and Coccomyxa, two green algal genera from polar soils. University Rostock.

Sebastian D. 2015. Kohlenhydratmetabolismus in benthischen Kieselalgen der Arktis. TU Dresden.


Bernard M. 2014. Effects of global warming on early developmental stages of Arctic kelps multifactorial experiments and interspecific competition. University Bremen.

Zinkann A-C. 2014. Ecology of holothurians along the Southern Polar Front. University Hamburg.


Dömel J. 2013. Population genetic analysis of the sea spider Nymphon australe in the Southern Ocean.


Hauer C. 2012. Respiration and metabolic activity of Antarctic copepods – The effects of different life-cycle strategies. University Bremen.

Seefeldt M. 2012. Morphologische Untersuchungen zur Systematik antarktischer Lysianassoidea (Crustacea, Amphipoda. University Bochum.


Alder E. 2011. Quantitative and molecular studies on eukaryotic aeroplankton from Cologne, Germany. University of Cologne.

Joachim K. 2011. Cryopreservation possibilities of heterotrophic flagellates. University of Cologne.

Leo E. 2011. Mitochondrial responses of warm and CO2 acclimated Notothenia rossii. Università degli Studi di Trieste, Italia.

Padur L. 2011. . Enrichment and characterization of heterotrophic microorganisms in a glacier forefield on Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica. University Potsdam.

Wilmsen E. 2011. Morphologie und Phylogenie der Opheliida. University Bochum.


Spaak J. 2010. Integrative Taxonomie am Beispiel des Colossendeis megalonyx HOEK 1881Artkomplexes (Chelicerata; Pycnogonida; Colossendeidae). University Bochum.

Stoupin D. 2010. Molecular identity and ultrastructure of ancient and modern choanoflagellates of the Codosiga botrytis morphospecies complex. Lomonossov State University, Moscow.

Weith F. 2023. Endobenthic communities of the Antarctic Peninsula and the Weddell Sea shelf-their composition, diversity and functional traits in relation to environmental drivers. University of Rostock.

PhD thesis


Weith F. 2023. Endobenthic communities of the Antarctic Peninsula and the Weddell Sea shelf-their composition, diversity and functional traits in relation to environmental drivers. University of Rostock.


Balaguer J. 2022. Iron and Manganese co-limitation – A potential driver of Southern Ocean phytoplankton ecology. University Bremen.


Di Franco D. 2021. The influence of Larsen-C ice-cover on macrobenthic peracarid crustacean assemblages on the Antarctic shelf. Larsen-C Antarctic biodiversity of Peracarids, species turnover of isopods. Goethe University Frankfurt.

Dürwald A. 2021. Polysaccharide utilization mechanisms under permanent low-temperature conditions in the Southern Ocean. University Greifswald.

Lagostina E. 2021. Dispersal and genetic exchange of lichen populations between the Maritime Antarctic and southern South America (with a focus on human impact). Goethe University Frankfurt.


Houstin A. 2020. At-sea ecology of the Emperor penguin. University of Strasbourg.


Balaguer J. 2019. Iron manganese co-limitation – a potential driver of Southern Ocean phytoplankton ecology, started in 01/2019 University Bremen.

Dömel JS. 2019. Speciation and adaptation of Southern Ocean sea spiders. University of Duisburg-Essen.

Richter S. 2019. Computer vision-aided biophysical and ecological studies of Antarctic species. FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg.


Borchhardt N. 2018. Biological soil crusts of the Polar Regions – biodiversity and ecophysiology of algae in a world of climate change. University Rostock.

Gerum R. 2018. Colony structure and collective dynamics of the genus Aptenodytes during breeding. FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg.

Kloster M. 2018. Morphometrics of Southern Ocean diatoms using high throughput imaging and semi-automated image analysis. University Bremen.

Rippin M. 2018. Metagenomics and Metatranscriptomics of Terrestrial Microalgae isolated from the Arctic and Antarctica. University of Cologne.

Wermter FC. 2018. Entwicklung von in vivo NMR-Techniken zur Untersuchung der Auswirkung von Ozeanversauerung und –erwärmung auf die Neurophysiologie Antarktischer Fische. University Bremen.


Pinkernell S. 2017. Modeling the biogeography of pelagic diatoms of the Southern Ocean. University Rostock.

Seefeldt M. 2017. Biodiversity and functional role of scavenging amphipods (Crustacea: Lysianassoidea) in Antarctic shelf ecosystems. Ruhr-University Bochum.


Domaschke S. 2016. Differential selection of photobionts and ecophysiological adaptions by the bipolar lichen Cetraria aculeata. University of Frankfurt.

Gerum R. 2016. Self-propelled particle models to describe emergence phenomena in Penguin colonies. FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg.

Richter S. 2016. Social Interaction Networks in Penguin Colonies. FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg.

Schlie C. 2016. Benthic Diatoms from Polar Regions – Insights into their taxonomy, biodiversity and ecophysiological performance during Polar Night and under elevated temperatures. University of Rostock.


Dietz L. 2015. Studies on the phylogeography and systematics of sea spiders (Arthropoda: Pycnogonida) of the Southern Ocean. Ruhr University Bochum.

Schründer S. 2015. Overwintering strategies in polar copepods: Physiological mechanisms and buoyancy regulation by ammonium. University Bremen.


Dambach J. 2014. Impact of climate change on distribution and population genetic structure of marine species. University Bonn.

Fernández Mendoza F. 2014. Genetic diversity and gene flow among Antarctic and Arctic lichen populations along the Andes and Rocky Mountains. Goethe University-Frankfurt.

Oellermann M. 2014. Octopod haemocyanin function and evolution in a latitudinal cline. University Bremen.


Damerau M. 2013. Comparative population genetics, larval dispersal and evolutionary aspects of Antarctic fishes (Notothenioidei). University Kiel.

Husmann G. 2013. The bivalve Laternula elliptica: physiological and molecular response to changing coastal Antarctic environments. University Kiel.

Strobel A. 2013. Physiological response and mitochondrial adaptations to changing abiotic factors in Antarctic fish and cephalopods. University Bremen.


Wölfel J. 2012. Primary production of benthic microalgae in an Arctic fjord (Kongsfjorden, Svalbard). University Rostock. 


Wittmann A. 2011. Life in cold oceans: activity dependent on extracellular ion regulation? . University Bremen. 


Becker S. 2010. Photosynthesis and photoinhibition at low temperatures: D1-turnover in Antarctic rhodophytes. University Bremen. 

Ganzert L. 2010. Bacterial diversity and adaptation in permafrost-affected soils of maritime Antarctica and Northeast Greenland. University Potsdam. 

Kramer M. 2010. The role of sympagic meiofauna in Arctic and Antarctic sea-ice food webs. University of Kiel. 


Laakmann S. 2009. The Ecology and Evolution of Deep-Sea Copepods: Niche Separation in a Three-Dimensional habitat. University Bremen. 

Weihe E. 2009. Adaptation and stress defense in intertudal and subtidal Antarctic limpets (Nacella concinna). University Bremen. 


Obermueller B. 2006. Effects of UV-radiation on crustaeans from polar and temperate coastal ecosystems. University Bremen. 

diploma thesis


Balaguer J. 2022. Iron and Manganese co-limitation – A potential driver of Southern Ocean phytoplankton ecology. University Bremen.


Di Franco D. 2021. The influence of Larsen-C ice-cover on macrobenthic peracarid crustacean assemblages on the Antarctic shelf. Larsen-C Antarctic biodiversity of Peracarids, species turnover of isopods. Goethe University Frankfurt.

Dürwald A. 2021. Polysaccharide utilization mechanisms under permanent low-temperature conditions in the Southern Ocean. University Greifswald.

Lagostina E. 2021. Dispersal and genetic exchange of lichen populations between the Maritime Antarctic and southern South America (with a focus on human impact). Goethe University Frankfurt.


Houstin A. 2020. At-sea ecology of the Emperor penguin. University of Strasbourg.


Balaguer J. 2019. Iron manganese co-limitation – a potential driver of Southern Ocean phytoplankton ecology, started in 01/2019 University Bremen.

Dömel JS. 2019. Speciation and adaptation of Southern Ocean sea spiders. University of Duisburg-Essen.

Richter S. 2019. Computer vision-aided biophysical and ecological studies of Antarctic species. FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg.


Borchhardt N. 2018. Biological soil crusts of the Polar Regions – biodiversity and ecophysiology of algae in a world of climate change. University Rostock.

Gerum R. 2018. Colony structure and collective dynamics of the genus Aptenodytes during breeding. FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg.

Kloster M. 2018. Morphometrics of Southern Ocean diatoms using high throughput imaging and semi-automated image analysis. University Bremen.

Rippin M. 2018. Metagenomics and Metatranscriptomics of Terrestrial Microalgae isolated from the Arctic and Antarctica. University of Cologne.

Wermter FC. 2018. Entwicklung von in vivo NMR-Techniken zur Untersuchung der Auswirkung von Ozeanversauerung und –erwärmung auf die Neurophysiologie Antarktischer Fische. University Bremen.


Pinkernell S. 2017. Modeling the biogeography of pelagic diatoms of the Southern Ocean. University Rostock.

Seefeldt M. 2017. Biodiversity and functional role of scavenging amphipods (Crustacea: Lysianassoidea) in Antarctic shelf ecosystems. Ruhr-University Bochum.


Domaschke S. 2016. Differential selection of photobionts and ecophysiological adaptions by the bipolar lichen Cetraria aculeata. University of Frankfurt.

Gerum R. 2016. Self-propelled particle models to describe emergence phenomena in Penguin colonies. FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg.

Richter S. 2016. Social Interaction Networks in Penguin Colonies. FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg.

Schlie C. 2016. Benthic Diatoms from Polar Regions – Insights into their taxonomy, biodiversity and ecophysiological performance during Polar Night and under elevated temperatures. University of Rostock.


Dietz L. 2015. Studies on the phylogeography and systematics of sea spiders (Arthropoda: Pycnogonida) of the Southern Ocean. Ruhr University Bochum.

Schründer S. 2015. Overwintering strategies in polar copepods: Physiological mechanisms and buoyancy regulation by ammonium. University Bremen.


Dambach J. 2014. Impact of climate change on distribution and population genetic structure of marine species. University Bonn.

Fernández Mendoza F. 2014. Genetic diversity and gene flow among Antarctic and Arctic lichen populations along the Andes and Rocky Mountains. Goethe University-Frankfurt.

Oellermann M. 2014. Octopod haemocyanin function and evolution in a latitudinal cline. University Bremen.


Damerau M. 2013. Comparative population genetics, larval dispersal and evolutionary aspects of Antarctic fishes (Notothenioidei). University Kiel.

Husmann G. 2013. The bivalve Laternula elliptica: physiological and molecular response to changing coastal Antarctic environments. University Kiel.

Strobel A. 2013. Physiological response and mitochondrial adaptations to changing abiotic factors in Antarctic fish and cephalopods. University Bremen.


Wölfel J. 2012. Primary production of benthic microalgae in an Arctic fjord (Kongsfjorden, Svalbard). University Rostock.


Wittmann A. 2011. Life in cold oceans: activity dependent on extracellular ion regulation? . University Bremen.


Becker S. 2010. Photosynthesis and photoinhibition at low temperatures: D1-turnover in Antarctic rhodophytes. University Bremen.

Ganzert L. 2010. Bacterial diversity and adaptation in permafrost-affected soils of maritime Antarctica and Northeast Greenland. University Potsdam.

Kramer M. 2010. The role of sympagic meiofauna in Arctic and Antarctic sea-ice food webs. University of Kiel.


Laakmann S. 2009. The Ecology and Evolution of Deep-Sea Copepods: Niche Separation in a Three-Dimensional habitat. University Bremen.

Weihe E. 2009. Adaptation and stress defense in intertudal and subtidal Antarctic limpets (Nacella concinna). University Bremen.


Obermueller B. 2006. Effects of UV-radiation on crustaeans from polar and temperate coastal ecosystems. University Bremen.