DOMINO Dynamics of benthic organic matter fluxes in polar deep-ocean environments (Kopie 1)


Dr. Eberhard Jürgen Sauter 
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung

project description

DOMINO aims to link water column particle export with organic carbon fluxes to the seafloor of polar deep-sea environments. The study focuses on benthic fluxes determined from in situ measured benthic oxygen uptake. The spatial distribution of fluxes as well as their temporal dynamics is investigated in respect to seasonal export of phytoplankton but also with respect to small scale and regional distribution of benthic fauna. Comprising a carbon sink at the lower end of the ocean’s biological pump, such fluxes to the seafloor, play a key role in respect to natural as well as potential artificially induced CO2 drawdown and sedimentary carbon fixation. DOMINO not only aims to improve the data coverage by high quality in situ measurements but also fosters the multidisciplinary linkage to planktology, oceanography, and benthos biology: During the Polarstern cruise ANT XXIV/2 , investigations on the bentho-pelagic coupling as well as on the interactions between geochemical microgradients and benthic organisms have been conducted. Field results obtained during the first year and an those obtained during a second field campaign (ANT-XXV/3, LOHAFEX) will be analysed and ocean regions will be described in close linkage to biochemical an benthos biological results of the the SYSTCO-ANDEEP approach. Furthermore, during the second cruise water column experiments will be performed to follow the deep export and sedimentation of phytodetritus originating from an artificially induced plankton bloom.


DFG-Verfahren: Infrastruktur-Schwerpunktprogramme

term from 2007 to 2011