Rundbrief Nr. 30/Newsletter No. 30 and information about the coordination workshop 2020!

Hier finden Sie den neuen Rundbrief des DFG-SPPs "Antarktisforschung" auf Englisch. Er enthält wichtige Informationen über die laufende Antragsrunde und den diesjährigen virtuellen Koordinationsworkshop im September, sowie weitere Ankündigungen.

Here you will find the latest Newletter of the SPP "Antarctic Research" in English. It contains important information about the current funding round and this years' virtual coordination workshop in September as well as other announcements.


Virtual coordination workshop in September 2020

The aim of the annual coordination workshop is to stimulate collaboration and networking between funded researchers, and to provide information to new applicants. Therefore, participation in the SPP coordination workshop ismandatory for (1) all new applicants and renewal applications, and (2) for all currently funded projects. The latter also includes projects that have been successful in the current application round.

Due to the Corona virus pandemic, this years' coordination workshop is held virtually: All currently funded projects and successful current proposals (1) are required to show their first research data, concept and/or ideas as a poster. Prospective new applicants (2) are asked to provide a "Projektskizze", which also includes half a page (maximum!) on the project idea, assignment to the overarching topics of the SPP, rough budget information and indication for collaboration within the SPP. A template for the Projektskizze can be downloaded here.

For the virtual meeting, we ask participants to register online and upload posters (DIN A3) and Projektskizzen as pdfs latest on the 20th of August 2020 - a respective link will be provided shortly. From 1st of September, registered users have the opportunity to view the uploaded pdfs to familiarize themselves with current projects and intended proposals, and to contact potential collaborators well in advance of the proposal deadline. We expect all members of the community to treat new project ideas confidentially.

Moreover, a video will be uploaded by the coordinator in which the SPP is introduced, including general information for the application process and logistics, SCAR, Pangaea etc. From 1st of September onwards, the coordinator and the coordination office will be available to answer questions about the application process etc. via telephone or email.

The DFG call for proposals to the SPP 1158 (via the "Aufforderungsschreiben") is expected to be published mid to end of August 2020. Please be aware that an application is only possible if a Projektskizze has been submitted prior to this years' virtual coordination workshop.

Project proposals have to be submitted in the first week of November, tentatively until the 2nd of November 2020. Potential changes to this deadline will be announced via email to the SPP mailing list and on the website.


